Born in the spring with the Forget-me-nots

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Falls by Athena's Spear Creations

Types of falls and cost (see details below):
Cyberlocks: $10 labor +material costs
Yarn & Ribbon Falls: $10 labor + material costs
Mixed Media Falls: $15-25 labor + materials


I can make these for you!
Cost: $10 labor + material costs
I will get the crin, cut, and sew onto a ribbon for attachment into your hair and apply my special treatment of the ends to slightly weigh them down and give them some bounce!

Allow for time to order the crin since it will have to ship to me before I can make them!

Yarn & Ribbon Falls:

Cost: $10 labor + material costs
You pick the colors and textures and I will make falls of the desired length. Limitations are: what they sell in town!

for braiding or thicker strands add $10 labor (much more time consuming)

Mixed Media Falls:

Cost: $15-25 labor + materials
the cost depends on what the "mixed" consists of! lots of beads = more time and more expensive!
Your imagination (and the craft stores in town) are the limit!
We can talk about the style and variety of materials you would like!

moooooosshhhhhy brain

I went to a Bellydance show last night (Voodoo Moon)
A friend of mine performed wearing mixed media yarn falls I made her!
I was very proud!

I did some experimenting with longer exposures to catch the spinning of the dancers. I think it worked pretty well! My brain is a little on the moosh side today from formatting all day yesterday.

I was going to write more and then... my brain died.